Work in Political Design tends to be to destroy its enemy where the work that Hacktivist do operates in the field of play. The Universal v. Reimerdez is an example of Hacktivism, which fought for the right of free speech against the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Rtmarks is one of the leaders in supporting and funding Hacktivism. An example of political design was Napster which was create to give everyone free music and to shape the music industry in the future by giving everyone a taste of what free music was like.
2. What does execution mean? How does it relate to computers (ie .exe files). What are some examples of executable art? How is execution different from representation? In other words how does each relate to the media paradigms of one-to-many vs. many-to-many?
Execution means that there is power in it and when it is put to use it does something. DeCSS is an example of an execution of politics. Most codes are excitable because they are instructions to the computer on what to do. Execution in code is an example of many to many if the code is open source or is shared with others because anyone can write and share the code and anyone can read and use the code.
3. Why do you think Hacktivist artists find themselves hacking capitalist and political structures that most other people revere? What problem or dangers do they see in these forms of power? Use sample projects to answer this question.
Hacktivist find themselves hacking capitalist and political structures because they are oppressing our rights. The hacktivist don’t agree with what is going on so the hack to draw attention to the situation and gain the support of others. There might be political issues that the hacktivist want attention on for example the Barbie and GI Joe voice box switch.
4.How do hacktivists confirm McLuhan's prediction that the 'nation-state' world not survive the advent of electronic media? Do hackitvists challenge or question any critical policies of nation-states? Does their practice suggest any alternatives to the nation-state? Or why are they not really concerned about anarchy?
In the section A flag for no mans land talks about this issues and what I believe is that because of the expansion of globalization because of the internet the need of a global currency is increasing and all the nations are starting to be connected as one. Because of this it starts to get rid of the idea of the nation-state.