Local Sustainable Food Challenge

In our world today we have the issue of most of the food we buy are not sustainable and come from places all over the world. What is the big problem of this, you might say? There are many problems having to do with the way we grow and purchase food today. The obvious one is the cost of shipping the product. It’s more expensive the further the food has to travel and the only way we’re able to do it now is because of the cheap fuel and the damage that we inflict on the environment. The sick living conditions of animals and the pesticides that we use on crops are poisoning our bodies and increasing what we spend on health care. Also when you purchase non-local foods you are allowing the money escape your community. Another question you might ask is why buy local? Not only will buying local help to solve some of the issues stated above, local foods taste better, have a much more nutritional value and it helps to support your local farmers, keeping them in business.

Levels of local foods:

-Locally: is directly from a farmers market, being face to face with the one who grows your food.

-Regionally: Food Grown in your region ex. (New England).

-Nationally: Food that comes from the same country you live in.

-Fair Trade: Foods that come from other nations that we have a fair trade agreement with.

~5pts for all foods bought from the farmers market

~3pts for all foods bought from the local grocery store

~1pts for food bought from the super center, with the exception of the instant meals, which are worth -1pts


The object of the game is to challenge you and group of people to buy sustainable foods as locally as possible. In order to receive points for an item of food it must come from a sustainable food source and you must use it in your cooking or you must eat it. You do not receive points if the food item goes to waste. The amount of points you receive for a food item is based on which level of local the food is from multiplied buy the number of units purchased and used. Each player receives a set amount of money and cannot spend more than the amount set and each player must be able to survive on the set amount of money. Non local foods will be cheaper than local foods and there for might be necessary to buy to survive.

Set up:

Each players starts out with $120 and for each week receive an addition $120. The farmers market is set up with six empty slots, divide each food item that is worth 5pts into separate piles. Next take one item of food from each pile and shuffle the new pile. Draw the same number of cards from the shuffled pile, as there are available empty slots. Place each food item into the empty slots and roll a die to determine the inventory of that food item. Example if a three is rolled on the die place three on that food items slot, this includes the card that is already there.

Repeat these steps for both the local grocery and super center. The local grocery has eight open slots and the super center has a total of twelve empty slots.

Players then roll to see who goes first. On each players first turn they choose one of the house cards.

Players turn:

For the first turn skip step one.

1.Make a meal. During each meal the player has to use a minimum of four items and cannot use more than seven items. Items can either be used separately or in a recipe. Total the amount of points the player receives for that meal.

2. Player can then choose if they want to make a trip to the store. If they choose to do so then they must pay the amount indicated on their house card. The player can also choose to ride their bike to the closest store to their house aka the cheapest one to get to by car. If the player chooses to ride their bike then they don’t have to pay to go to the store, but they can only choose to buy up to a total of six items.

3.Player must make another meal. Total the number of points of both meals for this turn.

If for any reason the player cannot make a meal then they take a trip to a fast food restaurant. The player then looses 5pts and they have to pay five dollars.

If the player has no money they go hungry for that meal and loose 30pts. If the player can’t feed them self for three days straight the loose the game

After each round aka each player has had the same amount of turns, then one day has passed. For a one-week game each player will have seven turns. At the end of the game total all your points for each day, who ever has the most points wins the game

At the beginning of every even round restock any empty slots in every store with a new item.

Getting points:

Each card has a point value in the bottom right corner. Add the points of each card used in the meal together to find the total. If any items are used in a recipe then you add each point value of the cards used in the recipe and multiply the total number of cards used in the recipe with the total sum of the cards. Example of a meal: recipe Grilled Cheese + milk.

(Breadpts + Butterpts + Cheesepts)X 3(because three items were used) +milkpts= total pts for the meal.
